Knox has defined salesmanship as the art of persuading people to purchase goods which will give lasting satisfaction, by using methods which consume the least time and efforts. Apart from the various functions of marketing stated by Clark and Clark under three categ6ries. There are some other functions which facilitate marketing of goods. Transportation- Transportation involves physical movement of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption. The mode of transport depends on the nature of product, cost, location etc. Gathering and analyzing marketing information – Gathering and analyzing marketing information is the first function of marketing.
Because they are shipping individual items, the manufacturer will necessarily use an outside service such as FedEx, UPS, or even the post office. Rush orders may require shipment by air, but these would be very expensive and uncommon. Beyond these examples, air freight is uncommon in the forest industry. After market-based methods, the most common methods of setting prices are cost-based. In their most simple form, these strategies assess the total cost of producing the product and then add profit.
Customer Service is usually responsible for Customer Relationship Management and problem resolution and support. Warehousing – When considering where and how to store a product the following questions should be considered. Should the product be stored in a company owned warehouse or should storage be contracted to another company? What sort of material handling systems should be designed into the warehouse? Should the storage function take place closer to the production facility or closer to the customer?
In addition, the company may be able to recognize sizeable cost savings. At the end of the production line, the product is only half-ready…it must be marketed! Product development processes must also include marketing planning for the product, which may require as much time and resources as the technical development of the product. It is important to start marketing planning at the early stages of the process. There are several ways product modifications and improvements are created in connection with everyday operations. For example, small modifications to products are often necessitated by the process of streamlining production processes.
The marketing process performs certain activities as the goods and services move from producer to consumer. When Sales and Marketing are fully integrated, boundaries become blurred. Both groups redesign the relationship to share structures, systems, and rewards. Marketing—and to a lesser degree Sales—begins to focus on strategic, forward-thinking types of tasks and sometimes splits into upstream and downstream groups.
Furthermore, there is no single dominant theory of alignment that can be applied. There is also substantial overlap with concepts of operational integration and coordination. The theoretical background uses configuration theory to model the fit of marketing and operations intelligence and decision-making at three points of interaction between these two functions. uf sona Although they represent one of the more expensive forms of transportation, trucks are commonly used because of their flexibility and time efficiency. In the US in 2012, truck transport accounted for nearly 64% of the ton-miles of transportation of wood products and 58% of paper products. Modern highway systems allow trucks to access almost any location.