They have to ask and express what they feel and why they feel that way. Intercultural learning means accepting that there are different cultures, it does not necessarily include a complete understanding, but rather an acceptance of cultural differences. Thus, they have to ask themselves whether their reaction is determined by prejudices or rather by simple ignorance.
She currently lives in Bellingham, Washington. The mother asserted her culture as a manifestation of her affiliation to identity and refused to identify herself as either American charvat v. resort marketing group, inc or Canadian. Therefore, she draws on her heritage instead of her political affiliations which she believes is a concept that falls short in creating or ascribing identity.
It’s bound to inspire heated conversations between readers over why the mom did what she did, the greater implications, and whether or not YOU would have the guts to do the same thing. Kids could talk about what was accomplished by the end of the story, and what it meant for everyone involved. The sheer amount of topics you could discuss in tandem with this book boggles the mind. This is a story that stands out and apart from all those other comics being published right now. It assumes a certain level of intelligence on the part of the child reader. It’ll frustrate some, baffle others, and completely fascinate the lot of them.
“I’m going to visit my daughter in Salt Lake City,” my mother told her. The border was actually two towns, though neither one was big enough to amount to anything. Coutts was on the Canadian side and consisted of the convenience store and gas station, the museum that was closed and boarded up, and a motel.
Laetitia had not left home with my mother’s blessing, but over time my mother had come to be proud of the fact that Laetitia had done all of this on her own. According to McBride, the roots of hip-hop music began in West Africa centuries ago. The fee seemed paltry in exchange for the quality education of her children. A point-by-point essay is more difficult to write, because you will have to find a different claim relating to both texts for each body paragraph and each claim will need to support your overall thesis statement. It is more difficult, but if it’s done well, it will result in a more sophisticated essay. Thomas King is a North American writer whose work focuses on the experiences of Indigenous and First Nations people in the US and Canada.
Remember that your introductory paragraph should contain an overview of both texts and end with your thesis statement, or a one-sentence claim that sums up your argument throughout the essay. Based on the prompt, it appears that you are expected to begin the essay with an introductory paragraph, write 4 body paragraphs, and end with a concluding paragraph for a total of 6 paragraphs. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. Other than this, it is also important to note that her mother wanted to see the world, despite her Blackfoot heritage. It is important to note that Laetitia had moved to Salt Lake City because of shallow or superficial personal reasons, so the lines, “”Laetitia turned off the set and said she was going to Salt Lake City, that life around here was too boring”.
Teaching and discussing a fictional text in the EFL-classroom at secondary schools is substantially determined by the teaching objectives outlined in the various ministerial guidelines. The aim cannot be a thorough scholarly analysis of a text. Rather, it must be about having young people open up and become ready not only to tolerate but also to accept different cultures. Laetitia moved away from home against the will of her mother when she was seventeen.