Bacteria are autotrophic and archaea are heterotrophic. Bacteria are prokaryotes and archaea are eukaryotes. The life cycle of some protists involves an “alternation of generations.” This means that a.

In those days, Kambama village was a very big village with many people. The great grandfather, Fahguie, was afraid for his people, the fishermen and bamboo the worst carrier of contamination in food service trappers who roamed on the Moa River, that the crocodile would catch them and eat them. Because of this, Great Grandpa Fahguie thought of an idea.

Low tide is the best to see marine creatures, and it’s usually the safest time to be at the shore. Review with the kids what they can expect to see and do during their visit. Below are some guidelines you can use with the kids to help them get the most out of their trip. If you’re working with older kids, you might want to use the guidelines to make up worksheets. You can also divide the groups into investigation teams of three or four kids. And you might want to consider visiting the area several times during the year so the kids can compare their observations from different seasons.

Red blood cells and albumin. Fibrin and white blood cells. White blood cells and platelets. Hemoglobin and platelets.

A solution with a pH of 7 is considered neutral. We’ve included two activities that focus on experimentation and investigation. The first activity includes six mini-experiments focusing on the causes and consequences of acid rain.

Are not very electronegative. Definition of terms and concepts in ecology Ecology is the study of the interaction between living things and their immediate environment. Environment refers to all external factors that may affect an organism.

It reduces aggression. It prevents individuals from accidentally mating with relatives. It saves energy. It enables individuals to compare potential partners. A large group attracts more attention.