His poster focused on the molecular phylogeny of the lubber grasshopper family Romaleidae. NSF summer research workshop in systematic entomology ended on June 24, 2011. Three participants traveled across Central Florida and collected over 1000 specimens of grasshoppers and learns tons about biology and taxonomy of grasshoppers.

Travel Coordination – Processes reimbursements for student travel awards. Assists departments with Prospective Student Travel Grant reimbursements. Coordinates student travel for the Graduate and Professional School sponsored conferences. Maintains sufficient knowledge pertaining to TAMU Guidelines for the disbursement of travel funds, general travel requirements, and the Concur travel system.

A new summer research course supported by the CAREER award titled, “Integrative Biology ,” will begin on May 14. Eight students have enrolled in this course to learn about field ecology, laboratory experiments and scientific communication using Schistocerca. Song Lab attended the ESA meeting in St. Louis, MO and presented their talks. The Orthoptera Symposium was also organized and moderated by Bert and Derek. Drew Little received the runner-up award at the undergraduate oral presentation, and Ricardo received the Snodgrass Award from SysEB. Meanwhile, Hojun traveled to Australia to collect grasshoppers in NSW, and attended the Australian Entomological Society meeting in Brisbane.

Applications MUST be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the first day of the conference/first day of travel . Applications are considered SUBMITTED when both Committee Chair and Department Head approvals have been received. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm that those approvals are completed and the application is submitted to Grad School Review before the 10 business day deadline. Please note, applications will be reviewed in the order they are received, and it will take 5-10 business days to receive your decision. We recommend you submit your application as early as possible to allow time for any corrections in the event an application requirement is missing. If you have questions, please email grad-travel-

We are NOT accepting applications for international travel at this time, based on current TAMU travel policies. If you have received approval as “mission essential” for travel to conduct research or present at a conference and wish to discuss, please email grad-travel- The Kunze Prize provides a stipend to a doctoral student nearing completion of their degree program. Students must be nominated by their departments, and the nomination is then forwarded to the college dean and subsequently to the Office of Graduate Studies. The nominees shall have superior academic achievement and on or more publications in a refereed journal in national or international stature. The nominees shall demonstrate good Residentship through contributions to the university and/or the community.

Please check out their photos in the Photo Link. Robert Lanfear visited the Song Lab and also gave a departmental seminar on molecular evolution. Hojun, Ricardo, and Bert went on a two-week expedition in Yucatan peninsula, Mexico.

This field trip centered on collecting the Central American locusts, as well as various orthopteran taxa across the Yucatan peninsula. We also brought back live Central American locust to start a colony for some really cool experiments. Ricardo’s first dissertation chapter has been published in Systematic Entomology.

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