Follow the road to arrive at the designated point on the map below. You will find yourself in an open space used for parking where you can retrieve some material. From there, all you can really do is pour on the NOS and pray that you make it across. This jump is technically easier than the first, but it’s also easy to make a mistake because of the close quarters of the island.
Nero Injector #2 – The next Nero Injector is found during a mission where you have to spy on the Nero Researcher. Make your way through the caves until you finish the mission. When you’re done, head back into the caves and look around to find this Nero Injector. Upon reaching this checkpoint, you’ll realize that this Nero Checkpoint involves more steps than previous checkpoints. In order to recover the fuse, you’ll have to destroy a nest located near the checkpoint. The NERO site is marked on the map (where Deacon’s location is in the map below).
It’s not like the other NERO sites where you have to restore power. Personally, I had the engine upgrades and also used some nitrous. It’s the safest way to succeed, but you can try with nitrous alone if you have it. DO NOT let up on the gas, maintain speed and turbo as you reach the top of the second jump. In total there are 18 according to the federal regulations, research is eligible for exemption, ifs in Days Gone, and each gives you Nero Injector which increase your Health, Focus and Stamina stats.
While exploring the world in Days Gone, markers of NERO Research Site may appear on the map. On this page of our guide we have reviewed the most common types of research sites. After the story there’s free-roam and you can go back to all regions and finish up any side activities and collectibles you have left.
Nero Injector #21 – Look out for this Nero Injector when visiting the railway bridge in this general area. There’s a Nero Research Station nearby that holds this injector. Nero Injector #9 – Finding the ninth injector will require players to search the Nero Research Station inside of Runners Cave. This is the same cave you visit during the bounty mission to find Anderson. You will find this at the research site but for this, you have to go to one island and from there swim to the other island and grab this injector. You will find this at the Nero Research Site right where you find the previous one and for this, you have to reach out for the ramp by jumping.
Here they came all infected were studied directly on the spot to understand their habits and to catalog them according to their abilities. The principals, on the other hand, were checkpoints, much larger than research sites, and acted almost as small headquarters. So let’s start this guide and let’s find out where to find and how to reach all NERO search sites. You’re looking for the entrance to a cave, which can be found by following the small road heading southwest out of the Aspen Butte Ambush Camp. Follow the black goop and gore up the hill and a cave will open on your right. Instead of heading inside the cave itself, continue running up the hill and you’ll find the Nero Research Site along with a small camp a few yards up the path.