Heave to – Steering into the wind and sea, making minimum headway. Head Sea – A sea where waves are directly opposing the motion of the ship. Harbor – A harbor mr krabs wearing a hat or harbour, or haven, is a safe place to anchor, protected from the weather. Harbours can be man-made or natural and are used for docking and loading.

As sailors with the Lake Lanier Sailing Academy, the partners in the firm have witnessed numerous unsafe decisions by boaters every weekend in the summer. Two short blasts – I intend to alter my course to port. One short blast – I intend to alter my course to starboard. Everygive-way vesselshould keep out of the way of a stand-on vessel, so far as is possible, take early and substantial action to keep well clear. A vessel overtaking an other vessel shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she is overtaking another, she shall assume that this is the case and act accordingly. You are also required to give your name and address and the number of your vessel, in writing, to the owner of any property damaged in the accident.

A small racing yacht or recreational open sailing boat, often used for beginner training rather than sailing full-sized yachts.3. The second hawser is passed under the first, then up through the eye of the first , before being secured over the bollard. A vessel that leads, serves, or carries smaller vessels, in the latter case either releasing them and then proceeding independently or also recovering them after they have completed a mission or operation. A mother ship sometimes contrasts with a tender, which often is a vessel that supports or cares for larger vessels.mouldA template of the shape of the hull in transverse section. If a person is believed missing, all passengers must report to their muster station for a head count.muzzleIron ban around the mast to hold the heel of the sprit.M.V.

When you feel safe, flip the vessel over and float with it. Keep your feet downstream so that you give yourself a buffer from any objects that come your way. You don’t want to get your head hit, which can render yourself unconscious. Recover your vessel after you’ve gathered yourself mentally and physically. Preferably the best course of action is to map your trip downriver ahead of time.

The boat’s draft in relation to the depth of the water. It’s your responsibility as the captain to know the basics and to act in a responsible manner to avoid a collision even if you’re the stand-on vessel. Slow down, evaluate the situation, make your intentions clear and in the end, presume the other guy has no clue and avoid an accident. When approaching another vessel whose intentions aren’t clear, take evasive actions early and make them clear in order to communicate effectively with the other vessel.