Tried to return them and Customer Service claims they are “Customized” therefore not returnable?! There’s nothing customizable about them. Ended up donating clothes and I’m out $50. has been wonderful to work with and their customer service is amazing.

Chevron stripes and pastel colors are very popular this summer. I love them both so to find one item that satisfied both “loves” thrilled me to no end! I knew this was a fantastic piece that I needed to add to my wardrobe and they were offering it at a terrific price.

For any further support, please connect with our Customer Care Team through the Live Chat Platform on our website. Jane is a curated marketplace with more than 2,000 shops plus big brands and designer names. We offer daily deals and an exciting point of view to inspire you and your family to live a stylish life. Use the tools below to refine your search by only displaying reviews with a certain number of star ratings or to only show reviews from a certain time period. Eg click on ‘1 star’ to just display the reviews we have which received a 1 star rating click or ‘Within the last month’ to display just reviews posted over the last month.

I bought 6-7 art pieces from this company on or around Aug 15th. I was charged for the items, but I have not received any confirmation email and I have not received the package yet. Is there a way to contact them to find out when and if I’ll be receiving my order?

Instead it was left and someone has stolen it. Hi Phoebe, thank you for taking the time to provide your review. We are sorry to hear of your disappointment in this experience. Our LJ Yoga Mats are all designed with a soft rubber and non-slip surfa…

I emailed the help website and called the number and after days of waiting no one ever got back with me. I finally found a number to text and then I was able to get some help. Needless to say, I didn’t get either one of my orders and am currently waiting on my refund. One great thing that Jane does is request that all sellers on their site send in a sample product, to ensure that only high-quality items are sold on their site.

You can get your whole affiliate marketing business up and running for ZERO costs. And the thing that stood out the most for me besdies the huge start up costs, was how you were limited in how you can sell the product. You can only do sales through home shows. The MLM business model has a notoriously high failure rate. In fact, there have been studies that show that 99% of people they get involved with an MLM will lose money.

I wore one pair for over a year, love them, wore great. When I decided to get the 2nd pair out and wear them, after a few months they started getting this brown threading wear on the leg. When I took them to Lorna Jane store she said that this was a known fault with some Amy pants. hubble’s law expresses a relationship between She couldn’t offer a replacement as it was bought on ebay not from store. How does this matter, they are still faulty lorna jane pants, not the ebay sellers fault, they aren’t going to replace … I bought two pairs of leggings and both ripped in the first couple wears.