Septoria is difficult to get rid of, so do your best to prevent it altogether. Understanding the environmental conditions that trigger the disease help prevent it. Learn to treat against Septoria and protect plants and vegetables from it. The morphological, physiological wellstar vinings health park and pathological studies were made on the leaf-spot of the hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) caused by Septoria Cannabis SACC. Note that each spot represents the containment of a fungal spore that was able to germinate successfully upon landing on your plant.

Copper octanoate/copper soap may also work but is a weaker treatment method. Before you can treat plants with leaf spot, it’s important to be sure what type of leaf spot you’re dealing with. Another leaf spot disease, alternaria, is also common in home gardens. You can generally assume that if the spotting begins close to the ground, it’s likely to be septoria.

As its very name indicates, it’s a fungal disease starting as numerous tiny spots on the lower leaves of young plants that move up over time. Most commonly found outdoors, leaves begin to show yellowish spots, like rusty-looking crusts that could eventually lead to the death of your plants. We can tell you, though, that this is a rare occurrence. Always wash your hands and clean any tools thoroughly before touching your healthy plants. Organic fungicides containing potassium or copper bicarbonate are an effective treatment provided the Septoria leaf spot is not too far advanced.

Over time the patches coalesce, and the entire surface can be covered. Eventually the leaf is weakened and will turn yellow and fall off the plant. Plant vigour will be reduced over time and yield can be impacted. The fungus can also grow on flower buds, affecting quality.

Make sure to keep the ground under your plant clean. Adding mulch can also help prevent spores from spreading. Moisture is another major player in the spread and germination of fungal spores. Hence, you’ll want to avoid moisture as much as possible. Leaf septoria usually affects plants just after they enter the flowering stage and usually forms on lower leaves first.

The center of the lesions on the leaves contain the pycnidia, the fruiting bodies of the fungus. As the damage to lower leaves becomes severe and they fall, these fruiting bodies may work their way into the soil. This means that spores can later be re-spread by water, wind, or insect transmission, or even on human hands or tools.