The following is a summary of the damage symptoms and impact of YSSB feeding injury to some economically important crops in China. Ji S.L., Li J., Mu X.H., Zhang Y.Q., Bian X.R. Integrated control of yellow spotted stink bug and brown marmorated stink bug. Liu B., Liu G.P. The damage and control measures of yellow spotted stink bug in kiwifruit orchard.

Univoltine populations gradually emerge from overwintering sites in mid-April, and begin laying eggs from late April to late June on kiwifruit in Shaanxi province . First generation nymphs start hatching in mid-May and begin feeding on host plants through June and July. First generation adults occur in mid-August, with populations peaks in September, aggregating in kiwifruit orchards to feed on maturing fruits .

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Besides the use of pesticide sprays to control YSSB, Feng suggested fumigation with a combination of sawdust, ammonium nitrate, diesel, and dichlorvos in the center of a kiwifruit orchard in late evening or early morning of a cloudy day. Fumigation was suggested to control YSSB overwintering adults in the barns and other non-occupied buildings surrounding fruit orchards . Moreover, ‘Quchunwang’, a local chemical product with repellent effect towards YSSB, could be applied to vines in early June at the ratio of 40–60 pieces per mu, which would last for 46–87 day with repellent effect of approximately 70–96.4% . Both YSSB and BMSB are regarded as key pests of pear in Hebei province along with the hairy shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum (L.), in Anhui province .

Wang L.H., Guo L.L., Yu H., Mao X.R., Wang Y.B. Investigation of insect community of Trifolium repens lawn in east of Henan province. Using light traps has also been mentioned as a control method , yet some studies have found YSSB nymphs and adults to have very weak orientation tendency towards light . Due to these contradictory reports, the usefulness of light trapping is debatable.

First and second instar nymphs exhibit aggregation behavior, but third instar nymphs disperse as individuals to seek food , however, there were also reports that second instars can disperse to seek food . YSSB adults respond to light and often rest on the top kiwifruit vines and young fruit in the sunlight during the day , and then move to the undersides of leaves or other cyabags reviews warmer places to rest during the night . The research team will investigate biological control agents such as Anastatus fulloi and Beauveria bassiana for potential augmentative biological control options. Research towards development of pheromone-based lures and traps is also under way to support robust monitoring/surveillance and sustainable management of YSSB.

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For bivoltine populations, the timing of YSSB emergence from overwintering sites in the spring is earlier than univoltine populations . Peak populations of first-generation adults occur between late June and mid-August on kiwifruit, where they feed on young shoots, leaves, and fruit, while peak populations of second-generation adults occur from August through to October . Thereafter, both univoltine and bivoltine YSSB adults begin moving to overwintering sites in mid-October and continue doing so into November. The YSSB, a sympatric species of the equally destructive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug , is highly polyphagous and in China feeds on over 57 host plants in 29 families, including some economically important fruit crops such as kiwifruit, pear, peach, apple, and pomegranate. For example, the pest has caused 10%–30% yield losses and economic losses of USD 181–362 per ha in kiwifruit orchards, in Shaanxi province in 1999. YSSB nymphs and adults feed on leaves, flowers, shoots, and fruit of various host plants .