ENotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Atticus has always understood other peoples’ perspectives. But this subtle change marks the moment when Atticus shifts a bit to be a bit more confrontational towards racist and elitist attitudes.

The peddler besides selling small rattraps of wire was a petty thief also. But it was the compassionate, kind, generous and friendly behaviour of Edla Willmansson, the ironmaster’s daughter, which finally changed him. There are at least three characters in the story who suffer from loneliness and express the need to bond with others.

It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived. Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. In this desire to amass and accumulate more and more, we are entrapped by the world. Just in case we do not get the things we want, we are plunged in despair and gloom. In this way the metaphor of the rattrap highlights the human predicament.

Once someone is tempted by the bait, the world closed on him.The peddler was tempted by thirty kronor of the crofter. The peddler interprets the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the iron master and his daughter differently. He cheats the crofter as he provides him company in his loneliness and helps him pass time.

Most of the care is now being done by Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra. Atticus has always had the patience of a saint, but Scout can see in chapter 16, that he is starting to have his patience tested. Aunt Alexandra is pushing Atticus about not taking the case, the town is trying to create a riot, and Atticus is feeling all the pressure. Scout sees that he is not walking as tall as he once did. He is starting to work later at night, and now Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra are having to watch the children more.

The owner of the cottage, a Crofter, treated the Peddler as a guest, giving him food, playing cards with him and putting him up for the night. The contents of the letter written by the Peddler to Edia were that, as he had been treated as if he was a captain, he wanted to be nice to them in return. Thus he requested the Crofter’s money to be returned to him. He wrote that he had left the rattrap as a Christmas present to her, as she had inspired him to reform himself.

Goethe .remarked that “Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed in the stormy billows of the world. The story begins with rattraps and ends with a rattrap as a present for someone who has helped the environment variable java_home does not point to a valid jvm installation a rat to get free from’the rattrap. Even the middle of the story revolves round the rattrap. Renunciation of the temptation helps in redemption.Thus, we conclude that the title is apt and significant.