FALSE – The direction of an object’s momentum vector is in the direction that the object is moving. If an object is traveling eastward, then it has an eastward momentum. If the object is slowing down, its momentum is still eastward. Only its acceleration would be westward. To determine the change in momentum, substitute the values for mass and the initial and final velocities into the equation above.

The ball will thus rise to a height which is nearer to its initial height. The kinetic energy of an object remains constant during an elastic collision. FALSE – In any collision, the colliding objects exert equal and opposite forces upon each other as the result of the collision interaction. There are no exceptions to this rule. FALSE – The impulse encountered by an object is equal to mass multiplied by velocity change – that is, momentum change. This impulse acts upon the object to change its momentum.

Comparing this result with equation shows that the vector triangle is pythagorean; p 1 and p 2 are perpendicular. This result is well known to all experienced pool players. Notice that it was possible to arrive at this result without any knowledge of the forces that act when billiard balls collide. A collision is an encounter between two bodies that alters at least one of their courses. Altering the course of a body requires that a force be applied to it.

• After the firing, the net momentum is still zero. • Net momentum is neither gained nor lost. FALSE – In any collision, the colliding objects will experience equal momentum changes, provided that the collision occurs in an isolated system.

• To catch a fast-moving ball, extend your hand forward and move it backward after making contact with the ball. A moving object can have a large momentum if it has a large mass, a high speed, or both. FALSE – Few collisions are completely elastic. A completely elastic collision occurs only when the collision force is a non-contact force.

Conduction is the transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other. Convection occurs when warmer areas of a liquid or gas rise to cooler areas in the liquid or gas. The greate…

Objects involved in collisions encounter impulses. An object which is traveling east would experience a westward directed impulse in a collision. FALSE – When comparing the size of two momentum vectors, the direction is insignificant.

Heat is the total energy of molecular motion in a substance while temperature is a measure of the average energy of molecular motion in a substance. Heat energy depends slaughteren blog on the speed of the particles, the number of particles , and the type of particles in an object. Temperature does not depend on the size or type of object.

FALSE – Impulse is NOT a force. Impulse is a quantity which depends upon both force and time to change the momentum of an object. Impulse is a force acting over time. FALSE – If an object does NOT have momentum, then it definitely does NOT have kinetic energy.