Had correctly installed the application, had appropriately setup the JAVA_HOME, still it was not able to find the JDK and complains about the ver 1.6.0_17. 32 bit version works with and without quotes, 64 bit works only without. Delete your all user variable paths from Environments Variable, and keep only two (TEMP & TMP) variables, it will work. This should eliminate the error message that you are getting.
You may have multiple Java versions installed but if you have to use a particular version, you set the Java Home value accordingly. To access all the binaries (java, javac, jar, …) from the mother earth will swallow you command line. In this beginner’s tutorial, I’ll show the steps to correctly set Java Home variable on Ubuntu. This will install the default Java version in your current Ubuntu version.
However, in some cases, the ‘No JVM could be found on your system ’ error appears due to an incorrect Java environment variable. In the server there is an environment variable named java_home. If that variable is set to a non-existent or invalid directory, then the server will not be able to find a valid JVM installation. If that variable is set to the location of a valid JVM installation, then the server will be able to find a valid JVM installation. As such, the error has to be occurring in the client, not in the server. Set the OPENDS_JAVA_BIN environment variable .Update the contents of the lib/set-java-home file with the correct value of the JAVA installation path.
This error is a result of Java version mismatches in your JVM. It seems like you’re trying to run Java 7 in your Java 6 JVM. If you’re in a Java 6 environment, Java 7 is not supported.
Do a final restart and see if the issue is resolved at the next system startup. At the next startup, repeat the action that was previously causing the error and see if the issue is now resolved. Nam Ha Minh is certified Java programmer .